Talk @ ACM RecSys 2022 in Seattle
I gave a talk in ACM RecSys 2022 explaining what I’ve been up to the last year: Visual Styles RecSys: a model that learns users’ visual style preferences transversal to the projects they work on, and which aims to personalise the content served at Shutterstock. You can find the paper and more resources here.
Data Scientist @ Shutterstock
On 29/03/2021 I started working as a Data Scientist at Shutterstock, in Dublin, where I’m developing Recommendation Systems.

PhD Thesis Defence
08/10/2020 I defended my PhD thesis in the Computer Vision Center under hard Covid restrictions. And yep, I’m already a Dr.! Got an exellent Cum Laude. You can find my thesis, the presentation slides, and a video of the defence here.

Internship at Huawei Ireland Research Center
Starting September 2020 I did a 6 months internship with Huawei in Dublin, where I researched on video action localization and recognition.

Poster at (online) ACM MM 2020
I presented online a poster in ACMM MM 2020: “Retrieval Guided Unsupervised Multi-Domain Image to Image Translation”. This work was done during my research stay at University of Trento. [PDF] [Slides] [Video]
Poster at (online) ECCV 2020
I presented online a poster in ECCV 2020: “Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging”. [PDF] [Poster] [Video]
Attended to WACV 2020 in Aspen, Colorado
I attended to WACV 2020 where I presented my work “Exploring Hate Speech Detection in Multimodal Publications” as an spotlight and a poster. [PDF] [Slides] [Poster]

Research stay in University of Trento
From December 2019 until March 2020 I was working with the Multimedia and Human Understanding Group, lead by Nicu Sebe, in the University of Trento.

Presentation at DLBCN 2019
The Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium aims at showcasing research on deep learning carried out by scientists in/from Barcelona. There I presented my WACV article Exploring Hate Speech Detection in Multimodal Publications.

Poster and tutorial at ICDAR 2019 in Sydney
I attended to ICDAR 2019 in Sydney, were I presented my Selective Style Transfer for Text poster.
I also participated in the tutorial organized by my research group: Vision and Language: the text modality in computer vision.
[Tutorial Slides] [Poster] [Paper]

Demo at Mobile World Congress
A demo of my work on Multi-Modal Semantic Image Retrieval was shown at Barcelona Mobile World Congress in the Computer Vision Center stand. The demo is available online here.

Attended to ECCV 2018 in Munich
I attended to ECCV 2018 where I presented an oral and a poster in the Multimodal Learning and Applicattions Workshop.
Oral: “Learning to Learn from Web Data through Deep Semantic Embeddings” [PDF] [Slides] [Poster]
Poster: “Learning from #Barcelona Instagram data what Locals and Tourists post about its Neighbourhoods” [PDF] [Poster]

Poster at International Computer Vision Summer School 2018
I went to this summer school in Sicily where I presented a poster about the work done applying self-supervised learning to Social Media Barcelona data. This work was later published in ECCV MULA Workshop.
[Poster] [PDF]

Eurecat organized a tourism forum in Barcelona, ForumTurisTIC. I presented there the possibilities of applying my research on learning from images and associated text to tourism analysis in the inspirational session.
[Slides] [Video] [BlogPost]

In the computer vision center CVCRD2017 is organized each year to present students work. Each student prepares an abstract, some slides and a poster.
[PDF] [Slides] [Poster]
Poster at IAPR Summer School on Document Analysis 2017 (Jaipur, India)
I went to this summer school in Jaipur and I presented there a poster about the work done in my master thesis.

Master’s thesis
Automatic discovery of textual information in images from Social Networks using FCN
I did the computer vision master offered by the UAB (Computer Vision Center), UPC, UPF, and UOC. I did the Master’s Thesis at Eurecat. It was about reading text in Social Media images. It ended in a text/non-text image classification system and in the improvement of the state of the art TextProposals algorithm, which lead to a publication. So in a pipeline to efficiently filter images with text and extract their text regions.
[PDF] [Slides] [Poster] [Code]